Anti-nuclear vessel Zeus Destroyed, Anti-nuclear Peace Ship Phoenix Ordered Destroyed

Above: Zeus Below: Phoenix

On the 23rd of May 2005, the anti-nuclear peace vessel Zeus, home to my daughter and myself was totally destroyed deliberately by the New Zealand state. Six tonnes of our personal belongings were also destroyed. The Auckland Regional Council proceeded to send me a bill for $70,000 for transferring the vessel Zeus into a landfill.

The second vessel, Phoenix, which had been very active in the anti-nuclear movement in New Zealand, was also ordered to be destroyed. The New Zealand state, Auckland Regional Council, Environment Waikato and the Environment Court have all pursued a political policy of total destruction of these two anti-nuclear peace ships.

It is only a matter of time before nuclear ships are allowed back into New Zealand waters. I'm now dedicated to build a new anti-nuclear peace ship of the same size as my previous vessel Zeus to defend New Zealand's nuclear-free zone when the policy changes to allow nuclear ship visits again.

I remain defiant and in defence of a nuclear-free zone is building a new ship, Peace Ship Zeus

My research indicates that nine million dollars of New Zealand Superannuation has been invested in Northrop Gruman who build the Nimitz-class and future Ford-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

--Gary "Zeus" Moulton , March 2008

Skipper Gary Moulton and his daughter, Sarsha
Nuclear-free New Zealand at NZ History - includes a photo of the Phoenix